Good for mommy as PSU finally won a game. Her losing streak is over! YEY! ....she is very excited because that means she'll be invited back next year.
Daddy loves to shop @ Penn State. There's nothing he won't buy with a PSU logo. They helped the economy the best way they know how.
You know, you can't have too many PSU socks.............
Daddy likes to tell stories when he's in Penn State. He'll start off the story like this "When I was a young Matt I......" Today he was remembering times he spent at this bar. The Phyrst family would break out into song and everyone would sing the PSU fight song. DiDi and Mike were enthralled with his stories ;)
After drinking a few victory beers, Daddy would go to Brothers Pizza to - well, I guess to get sober....;)
Daddy loves Joe Pa.... frankly he's not the only one. They named a whole tent city after Joe Paterno..Paternoville. Happy Halloween!
At the game.
Daddy loves a good pompom at the game. We totally dig him!
They didn't forget the Airedale!