Thursday, July 19, 2012

Frosty Paws

Ah summer, although it's hot as heck....I get lots of treats!  

Frosty paws are found at my local Acme and Giant. Have your humans look for them in the frozen treats isle.  That way they can eat ice cream while you enjoy a frosty, cold, yummy treat~

Look Mom no paws!  ;)


  1. Wow, those look YUMMY! I think I had those once years ago (are they yogurt?), that was what I had...doggie yogurt. It was fabulous.



  2. Okay, that's it! We are putting Frosty Paws on mom's grocery list right this very minute! You are so lucky, Violet!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. I'm going to see if I can find them for my boys. Our humane society put out a call today for people to donate litre bottles. It has no air cond. They fill the bottles w water and freeze them to help the dogs cool off.

    Cindy Bee

  4. I've never seen this before, how fun!

  5. Hey - read my blog. Does Violet have a tag with your name and phone number? She Better!!! I'm on a rant!

    Cindy Bee

  6. Our mom makes her own with plain yogurt and baby food but we crunch them up so fast that she hardly bothers any more. Hmph! She ought to know that the better we like it, the faster we eat it.
    Alanis & Miro

  7. I sometimes get small cups of frozen yogurt that Kelley loves- plus the small container keeps her from wolfing it down in 20 seconds
