A few weeks ago mom and dad went to the shore in New Jersey. NOTHING like the stinkin' show! Whew, mom wanted me to make that perfectly clear!
Here's some of their pix from their second favorite place on the planet. The 1st is their own home in DE.

Mommy's freckles really come out after a few days in the sun....even though she was wearing 70SPF. Yes I said 70...she's Irish decent and very fair. She should get out more!

Mommy wore 70 SPF but her youngest brother wore a beach towel...Hhahaha

The beach @ cocktail time....lovely with the sanderlings.

The 'boards'...This was their last bike ride on the boards...the sky was very moody.

"Wonderland" (amusements) is the background. The is were mommy first fell in love. There was a boy who ran the rides, that floated mommy's boat. She never chatted with him but enjoyed him from afar....

This is the guy who floats her boat now....and forever.....(she gets weepy in Ocean City NJ).....