Mom and Dad's first stop in the Newseum was to check out the "First Dogs" Exhibit.
I'm sure you're aware of this very famous dog.
Warren Harding was a true dog lover. He owned a Bulldog named "Oh Boy," and an Airedale Terrier named "Laddie Boy." "Laddie Boy" not only had his own hand-carved cabinet chair to oversee high-level meetings...... This picture reminds me of Wyatt's pictures and when he stands on stuff. Happy Birthday Wyatt!
He also invited all the neighborhood dogs to the White House for his birthday party, where they dined on dog biscuit birthday cake. I have to work on this and get me some good dog biscuit birthday cake in May.
He had his picture placed in silver frames. My picture is all over the internet.
Mom and Dad have been to Washington for the past 3 years and STILL haven't seen this.
To honor Harding's background as a newspaperman, more than 19,000 newsboys around the country each donated a penny for a memorial to the fallen president. The pennies were melted down and cast into a life-size sculpture of Laddie Boy by Boston-based sculptor, Bashka Paeff. While Paeff worked on the sculpture, Laddie Boy was required to complete 15 sittings. Today, the sculpture is part of the collection at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History (the artifact is not currently on display).
Just like when the newspaper boys shared their coins to support Laddie boy.
Daddy is keeping the tradition alive by voting for Laddie boy, with all his change, for the favorite First Dog!