Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sportsman ship

You know mom and dad are Phillies phans...but they ALWAYS appreciate sportsman ship! You go young IAN!...You are the Man!

This is not! Mom and Dad are NOT impressed with this.


  1. We are so proud of Ian! What a awesome and very generous thing to do!
    How can that lady rob a little girl? grrrrrrrrrrr Shame on her!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. Ian...IS THE MAN alright...very, very maybe that lady(?) might see this and learn...never to old to learn, right!

  3. Ooo, that's bad karma. What a stinker that woman is.
    Ian, on the other hand, is a gentleman.

  4. Well whatever Ian did must have been really nice because of the comments, but dang that video says it's no longer available.

    Cindy Bee

    Jul - Come on over..the beer is till in the fridge! My cousin doesn't touch the stuff!!!
